From its captivating architecture to its towering height, the iconic Setia Sky 88 is a definite eye-catcher in the bustling city of Johor Bahru. The 55-storey luxury high-rise condominium seizes class, elegance and exquisiteness in every aspect, and has successfully elicited an overwhelming response among the local and international buyers since its launch.
This development is another prestigious project by Malaysia’s leading property developer S P Setia Bhd Group. This coming Saturday, S P Setia Bhd Group will be holding a priority booking event for Setia Sky 88’s Bumi Lots. With only 24 units up for grabs and price starting from RM593K, the Bumi Lots will be released on a first come first served basis. Come on down to the Setia Sky 88 Sales Gallery to experience what it is like to live at the height of luxury!
日期:2015年8月29日 (星期六)
时间:10am ~ 6pm
地点:Setia Sky 88 Sales Gallery (12A, Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir, 80300 Johor Bahru)
电话号码:+607-333 2255 / +6010-883 3668
奢华指标性高空住宅Setia Sky 88的一系列美照,先睹为快!
实达集团承载为居民开创一个超凡的时尚平台,典雅脱俗的奢华感,献上一份绝代盛世的高空建筑,以表达广大群众对实达集团的信任,再一次打造新山指标性话题的高空住宅系列。空景仰望的绝佳代表,把居家者推上另一个高峰,它正是Setia Sky 88,55楼的奢华指标性高空住宅系列。
豪华服务型公寓Setia Sky 88提供马来西亚绝无前后的私人高级设备,多达30种选择期包括电影院、高空无边际泳池,媲美于新加坡金海湾高空设施的建设,Setia Sky 88已创下此壮举,让您享受独特美景。设有底密度住宅高空系列,拥有220米高的代表性高楼,靠近新马建设的快铁计划(Rapid Transit System)只需五分钟就能抵达。为了提供更完结的服务,此发展项目提供服务休闲车让SETIA SKY 88 住户轻便的抵达新山关卡。
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